Monday 29 August 2011

Michelle Obama's 'just relax' tips for to-be diners with hubby Barack

 Michelle Obama has tipped to-be diners with husband Barack 'to relax' and enjoy the occasion.
The US President is holding fundraisers besides mailing his supporters to contribute at least three dollars each in a bid to reach a financial goal for the third quarter.
"Not everyone knows how to prepare for a dinner like this. As someone who's eaten countless meals with my husband, I want to tell you the one thing to do if you're selected to join him..." Politico quoted her as saying.
"Just relax. Barack wants this dinner to be fun, and he really loves getting to know supporters like you.
"I hope you'll take him up on it before Friday's (Sept 30) deadline.
"Will you donate 3 dollars or more today and be entered to have dinner with Barack?" she said.
She also admitted that the dinner would be special to the President too, as he'll get to interact with the people who are helping the campaign turn successful.
"These dinners mean a lot to Barack. They're a chance for him to talk with a few of the people who are driving the campaign - and a chance for him to say thank you," she added.

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